My heart goes out to those guys trapped on the bottom off Petropavlovsk. I pray they can be rescued. For any of you dropping by who are unfamiliar with submarines and submarine rescue, I recommend you go
here for info about what was the first successful rescue of trapped submariners. Their lives were saved by a lot of hard work, luck, and the genius of
this man. "Swede" Momsen was one hell of a man.
Update: Here is another great salvage man,
Edward Ellsberg. In 1926 he was in charge of the sucessful raising of the sunken S-51, two years later, he attempted to save six men trapped onboard the S-4. His book
On the Bottom was one of my favorite reads as a teenager. Both of these men spent years fighting the Navy establishment. Together with my favorite aviator, Danial Gallery, these men were the true naval heroes. Many people can do what needs to be done in the face of the enemy, but it takes real guts to stand your ground against stupidity from your own side when your career is on the line.